Worry-Free Purchase


Worry-Free Purchase

Sale price$0.98

Get a full refund if your order doesn’t arrive as described, including loss or damage in transit.

  • Arrival delay: Claim for $5 if your domestic package is not delivered within 10 days since fulfillment (30 days for international package).
  • Damage: Claim for up to the full value of your purchase if your items are damaged in transit.
  • Loss: Claim for the full value of your purchase if your domestic package is not delivered before the 30th day since fulfillment (60th day for international package).
  • Stolen: Claim for full value of your purchase if your item is stolen or shows as delivered but you didn't receive it.
  • Worry-Free Purchase also includes carbon offsets for carbon emissions produced within the recipient’s destination country .
Visit Seel Resolution Center to easily resolve your package issues if any of the above happens.
Please note: Worry-Free Purchase is a value-added service offered by Seel. Please don't purchase it as a stand-alone item.

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Arnold Gonzalez

Haven’t got it yet how am i gonna review this product awful shipping

Tashana Bennett
Still haven’t received item

It’s been 19 days and the purchase still has not shown up

Aaron Coatzin

Package is taking to long to be delivered.

Jared Pavlescak
Final review

After over a week of emails with this company they offered me 6 dollars in a refund over my item that was missing the moon entirely and the text is off the side of the frame. Then afterwards wanted me to pay 15 dollars to ship it back to replace and fix the mistakes they made. Save yourself the headache and don't buy anything from this company.

Devyn Pledger
Not Delivered

I have not received the package yet. Not so worry-free. However that’s due to the unfortunate president, and not the company itself, still, very upsetting as it was a valentines gift.